Sunday, January 18, 2009

Things Learned from Sci-Fi and Fantasy and other fun nonsense

I started thinking about vanity plates the other day, and how part of me really wants to shell out the money to have vanity plates that say ka mai. For those of you who are Stephen King fans, you'll know that as "fools of fate," more or less. It's what I see myself as, in a way, a woman who can laugh at most anything, and it's kept me sane more than once.

I need all the sanity I can get, especially since writing seems to have chosen me as one of its victims. I need to be able to laugh at my muse now and again, or she'll be the death of me.

Regardless, I got to thinking about fate's fools and for some reason, one thing led to another, and I began to consider the things I have learned from sci-fi books and shows and fantasy books and shows. I won't attribute them to anything in particular, because I don't want to spoil anyone, but I feel these are valuable life lessons.

1. Werewolves and funny guys (sometimes a combination of both) always get the raw end of the deal.

2. 50% of vampires with souls are boring (and use nancyboy hair gel).

3. Always beware of extremely good-looking and interested women. They're probably evil.

4. Aliens are usually just misunderstood. Or something.

5. Men with weapons are sexy. Women with weapons are extra sexy.

6. Fighting is best done in gauzy skirts and teensy tops. Preferably with the coolest platforms or high heels ever.

7. If you are not the Chosen One, you just don't understand. Nor will you ever. Please do not strain yourself unduly while trying to understand.

I'm sure there are more, but those are clearly the most important.

- A.

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